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Smart Family Podcast

Apr 29, 2020

While forming a relationship with a new spouse is natural and exciting, doing so with your spouse's children may seem more daunting. After all, your remarriage is an arranged marriage for your children. Today's guest brings hope that there is so much potential for positive and life-giving relationships in your blended...

Apr 15, 2020

You're divorcing or you suspect you will be, and whether or not your kids will be okay still keeps you up at night. If that's you or someone you're close to, don't miss today's episode. Dr. JoAnne Pedro-Carroll has spent decades of her career working with and researching the responses of kids to divorce and advising...

Apr 1, 2020

Is it hard for you and your partner to talk about money or budgeting without getting into an argument? Have you had so much tension you just don't talk about it anymore? Our guest Shaunti Feldhahn, social researcher, author and speaker, has a lot to say to shine some light on the issues running under the surface...