Mar 18, 2020
Do you ever scratch your head as you observe a boy's behaviour? If so, you will appreciate the insights of David Thomas, author and speaker with decades of family counselling experience. With a practice focused specifically on boys, David understands the unique nature of boys, the stages of their development, and...
Mar 12, 2020
With all of the constantly evolving information out there about coronavirus - it's hard for parents to stay on top of it. But what are our kids thinking about all of this? Are they worried? Scared? How can we help them cut through the noise to make sense of what is going on around them? In this bonus episode Dr Rob...
Mar 4, 2020
You recognize the potential in your daughter, and you see she cares about how well she's doing. The flip side of her desire to succeed makes her prone to becoming anxious. In today's episode, Sissy Goff, an author, speaker and experienced counsellor whose practice is focused on girls and teens, shares insights about...